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Entries in Qusamura (1)


Grafted: Plants by Kohei Oda | Pots by Adam Silverman


160 pages, 8 x 10 inches
Published by August Editions, 2015


Kohei Oda, the owner of the Qusamura plant shop in Hiroshima, and the LA-based potter, Adam Silverman, have now presented two installations of their collaborative art project, A Tale of Plant & Pot. The parameters were quite simple: Oda created 100 grafted cactuses that meld two distinct specimens which come to resemble far-off alien lifeforms, and Silverman produced the slightly more restrained but still entirely unique and complementary receptacles they dwell in. A book, aptly titled Grafted, has been put together to chronicle these events and does so beautifully, with all of the plants and pots being photographed by Shuji Yoshida and Joshua White to form an interesting document of an equally fascinating cross-cultural collaboration. 

Available from Amazon
Adam Silverman Studio