Online Features

Entries in Yogogi Park (1)


Guest Post: Yoyogi Park by Walter Manning



—01. Article by Walter Manning; owner of Old Faithful Shop.


A few weeks back I was luck enough to travel to Tokyo, Japan. If you are an avid reader of Inventory Magazine, then you are already familiar with the level of quality product that is either produced in Japan or produced specifically for Japan. The shops were easily some of the best I've ever seen: quality product assortment, intriguing merchandising/display and intuitive customer service - they have a keen eye for the details.

One Sunday in particular I was able to hit up the Yoyogi flea market. I arrived early and a lot of people were beginning to set up for the day: spreading out tarps and navajo blankets and either dumping their goods in a large pile or laying them out nicely. 95% of the items for sale were clothes and there were more than a few vendors selling some incredible stuff. Great Pendleton shirts, Red Wing Boots, stacks of Barbour and Sierra Design Jackets - all in really great shape.

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